constitutional thinking beyond borders
Vortrag: Human control of machine intelligence

Vortrag: Human control of machine intelligence

Prof. Joanna Bryson von der University of Bath spricht am 13. Dezember 2018 über „Human control of machine intelligence“ an der Universität für Bodenkultur.

Donnerstag, 13. Dezember 2018, 12:00 – 13:30
Ort: Guttenberghaus | Seminarraum SR 03, Erdgeschoß | Feistmantelstraße 4, 1180 Wien

Im Sinne der englischen Tradition der Lunchtime Lecture wird für Verpflegung gesorgt.

Teilnahme kostenlos. Anmeldung bis 10. Dezember erbeten:

Eine weitere Veranstaltung der LTS-Vortragsreihe von Univ.-Prof. Iris Eisenberger und Konrad Lachmayer in Kooperation mit dem Facultas Verlag.

Although not a universally-held goal, maintaining human control of artificial intelligence is probably essential for society’s long-term stability. Fortunately, the legal and technological problems of maintaining control are actually fairly well understood and amenable to engineering. The real problem is establishing the social and political will for assigning and maintaining accountability for artefacts when these artefacts are generated or used. In this talk I will discuss why we should maintain not only control but responsibility for AI, whether we have control now, and what technological and regulatory steps we can take to improve the present situation for the benefit of the very long term.

